Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Official Website

KinCare Video Series

Video Library
  1. BCDAC, Inc. Programs & Initiatives
    BCDAC, Inc. Board Member Fred Harran provides a brief description of programming offered through Bucks County Drug & Alcohol Commission, Inc.

  2. BCARES Family Connect
    Grandparent Lisa Bumm describes how she sought - and found - needed support through BCARES Family Connect. The goal of BCARES Family Connect is to support families and loved ones of those suffering with substance use disorders by sharing their lived experiences and connecting them to resources to help in their journey.

  3. Finances and Accessing Services
    Beth Jester from Bucks County Grandfamilies Support Group shares tips, resources and insights learned through her experience of raising her grandchildren.

  4. Trauma Therapy & Counseling
    Beth Jester from Bucks County Grandfamilies Support Group shares tips, resources and insights learned through her experience of raising her grandchildren.

  5. Student Assistance Program (SAP)
    This animation, created by Melissa Groden at The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc., describes the Student Assistance Program (SAP) process in Bucks County. SAP is a program intended to help support students who are experiencing barriers to learning in four domains: academics, attendance, health and behaviors.

  6. Overview of Grandparents' Rights in Family Court
    Jennifer Pierce, Managing Attorney for Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania, provides a brief overview of grandparent’s rights in family court, including the differences between physical and legal custody and how they apply to those living in grandfamily relationships.

  7. Answering Difficult Questions
    Dr. Deborah Van Aken, PhD, provides advice on handling difficult conversations that can occur between caregiver, grandparent and the children in their charge.

  8. Tips for Bucks County KinCare Families
    BCDAC, Inc. Board Member Dr. Brenda Foley, MD, provides useful tips about food programs and health insurance to those living in grandfamily relationships.

  9. More Tips for Bucks County KinCare Families
    Kaitlin Murphy Foundation President and BCDAC, Inc. Board Member Annemarie Murphy provides tips about custody issues and seeking support for those living in grandfamily relationships.

  10. Respite
    Beth Jester from Bucks County Grandfamilies Support Group shares tips, resources and insights learned through her experience of raising her grandchildren.

  11. Finding Inexpensive Recreational Activities
    BCDAC, Inc. Prevention Specialist Donna Foisy provides tips for those living in grandfamily relationships.

  12. How to Calm Your Angry
    Presented by Melissa Groden from The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc. during the Grandfamily Event on May 22, 2021.
    search (2)  Anger Catcher

  13. Recognizing Anger & How to Help it Stop
    This animation, created by Melissa Groden at The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc., shows youth how to recognize anger in themselves and suggests healthy ways to relieve it.

  14. Managing Anger As We Raise Young Children
    Presented by Dr. Deborah Van Aken, PhD, during the Grandfamily Event on May 22, 2021

  15. Managing Anger in Young Children
    Dr. Deborah Van Aken, PhD, describes how to help young people manage their feelings of anger.

  16. Managing Anger in Teens
    Dr. Deborah Van Aken, PhD, provides advice to grandfamilies raising teens on how to manage their anger.

  17. Take a Moment to Breathe Together Yoga Class
    Presented by Sandy Gatto from the YMCA of Bucks County during the Grandfamily Event on May 22, 2021