Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Official Website

Mobile Engagement Services (MES)

Mobile Engagement Services (MES) are intervention services that connect with individuals to break down barriers and provide support while getting into treatment. MES takes an individual approach in working with persons and families who face multiple challenges in supporting their recovery, guiding them in finding the recovery path to meet their needs. This service is provided through St. Luke's Penn Foundation.

The MES model promotes recovery-oriented goals with unique behavioral health interventions that are applied at all stages of change. The MES team at St. Luke's Penn Foundation has adopted the following:

  • Recovery is achievable for both individuals and families
  • Recovery is an integrated and comprehensive process
  • Recovery is about building supportive networks, building relationships, and expecting change
  • Medication Assisted Treatment is a viable harm reduction application when paired with counseling services and education

The MES Model uses a four-point intervention strategy that directly assumes the responsibility of providing acute, ongoing, community-based clinical services to individuals and families:

Level 1 - Engagement
During this level, the Mobile Engagement Specialist draws the client system into an open and honest dialogue.

Level 2 - Motivate
During this level, the Mobile Engagement Specialist begins to create a vision for change for the “movers” of the system.

Level 3 - Stabilize
During this level, the Mobile Engagement Specialist creates a vision or service plan with the client system that allows the client and family to move from chaos to positive, healthy change.

Level 4 - Monitor
During this level, the Mobile Engagement Specialist works with the client system to promote permanency in change and quickly intervenes if regression occurs.

Who does MES serve?
  • Individuals who frequently utilize treatment services
  • MAT recipients
  • Individuals who previously had unsuccessful treatment attempts
  • Individuals who use multiple services
  • AMA (Against Medical Advice)
  • AFA (Against Facility Advice)
  • Adolescents
  • Homeless
  • Therapeutic Discharges
  • Children and youth involved
  • Multi-disadvantaged and co-occurring

Mobile Engagement Services and Children and Youth MES and Children and Youth is a joint venture created to meet the needs of 2003 U.S. Child Abuse Protection and Treatment Act, known as CAPTA. Before infants are sent home with their parents who might be struggling with drug addiction themselves, County agencies are required to assess the home environment and create a safe-care plan, including services to drug-dependent parents. St. Luke's Penn Foundation MES provides support to mothers and parents involved in this process through Children and Youth.


St. Luke's Penn Foundation   |  215-257-9999